last week

Sunday Morning Worship: February 2, 2025 (The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple)

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Sermon: "We Must Be a Presence-Minded People" | Rev Nick Braunschneider

As Jesus is presented in the temple by His parents, there is a powerful convergence of Scripture, religious ritual, and the action of the Holy Spirit. What is true in Sunday's Gospel reading remains true today: these three "streams" work together to lead us to the face of our Savior.

Scriptures: Malachi 3:1-4; Psalm 84:1-7, 10-13; Luke 2:22-40

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Sunday Morning Worship: January 26, 2025

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Sermon: "Call The Sabbath A Delight" | Rev Nick Braunschneider

In Luke 4, we are told that Jesus went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day, "as was His custom" (v16). It is in the public worship gathering that Jesus reveals Himself to the people as the Savior they have longed for. In today's world, where would Jesus go to meet with His people? He goes to Church.

Scriptures: Nehemiah 8:1-4a, 5-6, 8-12; Psalm 113; Luke 4:14-21

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Sunday Morning Worship: January 19, 2025

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Sermon: "Love Is Stronger Than Death" | Rev Nick Braunschneider

In performing His first miracle, Jesus shows His covenant love for His Bride, the Church, which cannot be broken, even by death.

Scriptures: Isaiah 62:1-5; Psalm 96; John 2:1-12-

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Sunday Morning Worship: January 12, 2025 (Baptism of Our Lord; Sanctity of Life Sunday - Observed)

Sunday, January 12, 2025 (Baptism of Our Lord; Sanctity of Life Sunday - Observed)

Sermon: "Jesus Affirms the Value of the Human Person. We Must Be a Life-Affirming Church." | Rev Nick Braunschneider

Throughout Jesus' public ministry, He upheld the dignity and value of the human race. In His baptism, Jesus declared that people are worth saving, even dying for. Sadly, we live in a world that in many ways diminishes the human person. To be a church that faithfully reflects Jesus to the world, we must boldly stand on the biblical truth that all human life is sacred in the eyes of God.

Scriptures: Isaiah 42:1-9; Psalm 89:20-29; Luke 3:15-22-

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