Generations Development Mission
Apostles sponsors orphaned, abandoned, abused and severely disadvantaged teens and young girls in Uganda through the Generations Development Mission (GENDEMI). GENDEMI provides a safe haven in a Christ-centered home where the girls are loved and cared for, receive personal guidance and life-skills training, grade school and vocational or university education, are encouraged daily in their walk with God, and are assisted with their personal transition to independent life and vocation.
Global Mobilizaton Ministries
The mission led by the Rev. Canon Dr. Alison Barfoot, Global Mobilizaton Ministries (GMM), is an evangelistic outreach in East Africa that sends indigenous missioners to remote and difficult regions to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to unreached people groups. Over the past seven years the missioners have seen thousands hear the gospel for the first time, receive salvation and become true disciples of Jesus. Many new churches have been planted. Apostles is a long-time supporter of Dr. Barfoot and GMM's front-line evangelistic thrust and sends mission teams to meet the new converts and visit their new churches.