Sunday Morning Worship - February 13, 2022

Sunday, February 13, 2022
Rev Nick Braunschneider

New Sermon Series: APOSTLES is a 4-week series, exploring how we are to live out our common Faith in a way that is true to our name.

Week 3: “…Sent Forth In His Name…”

By grace alone, we are birthed into God's Family, the Church. He has called us out of our old way of living -our old domain- and thrust us into a new way of life in His Kingdom. In week 3 of our APOSTLES series, we'll see how this new reality is not an end in itself, but is intended to be the fuel that fires us out in mission. We are Jesus' family...who is sent forth in His Name!

Jeremiah 17:5-14
Psalm 1
Matthew 28:16-20

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