Virtual Congregational Meeting
Sunday, September 13, 11:30am - 12:30pm
Join us on Zoom after the Streaming Service
After the Streaming Service on September 13, we’ll take a brief break and come together on Zoom for a virtual congregational meeting. This meeting is open to anyone who is part of our church family and broader community and all are welcome to attend. To join at the appropriate time, use the link below.
Vote to Adopt Updated Articles of Incorporation (see below)
Monument Sign Update
Financial Report
Building Construction Loan Refinancing Update
Streaming System Update
Pastoral Update
Q&A (see below)
While the meeting is open to everyone, the vote to adopt updated Articles of Incorporation will be limited to those who are Members of the church. To be a voting Member, you must be at least 16 years old, have signed the Membership Agreement, and have contributed financially to the church in any amount over the past year. If you are unsure of your voting status, please email us at Not a member and interested in becoming one? Please contact Pastor Nick at (703) 591-1974 ext 111 or by email at
An invitation to participate in the vote will be sent to eligible voters via email in the days prior to the meeting. We are using a service called ElectionBuddy to hold a secure and verifiable vote. If you are concerned about your ability to vote online or want to make sure we have the correct email address on file, please contact the Church office.
The vote itself will be to adopt updated Articles of Incorporation. These articles have been updated to be in alignment with both our current bylaws and the Diocesan Canons. Here is a summary of the proposed changes to our exiting Articles:
Page 2 – Affiliation. The reference to the Convocation of Anglicans in North America (CANA) is removed. Pursuant to the Houston Agreement in May 2019, signed by Archbishop Okoh of the Church of Nigeria and Archbishop Beach of the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA), a canonical change was made whereby there is no longer dual membership in more than one Diocese. CANA East took action to remain solely a diocese of ACNA and changed its name to The Anglican Diocese of the Living Word.
Page 3 – Statement of Faith, item 5. The word “congregations” is changed to “churches.”
Page 3 – Members. The definition of Member is changed to match the definition of Member, per DOMA Cannons. A Member is any person who has received the Sacrament of Holy Baptism with water in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and whose baptism has been duly recorded in the Church’s register.
Page 4 – Vestry. The number of Vestry Members was changed in the March 2018 Bylaws Update from 12 to 9. In addition, our February 2020 Bylaws added item (6) to list of affirmations each Vestry Member is to make before commencing service.
Page 5 – Registered Agent. When Lauren Homer left Church of the Apostles, Phil Rooney replaced her as our Registered Agent with the Virginia State Corporation Commission. This change was made on-line but needs to be reflected in our written Articles of Incorporation.
To read the draft Articles in their entirety, you may download them using the link below.
Given the limitations of virtual meetings with many participants, we are offering a form to submit questions ahead of time. Hopefully, we can cover the answers to these questions during the meeting, but for any questions that arise as a result of the presentations, there will be an opportunity to submit written questions in the Zoom chat in real time. To submit a question, please use the form below.