Holy Week & Easter

Holy Week & Easter Packets for Pickup!

Saturday, April 4, 11am-2pm, Worship & Community Center Parking Lot

We are pleased to be able to offer a packet of materials to help us worship together from Palm Sunday through Easter in tangible and meaningful ways! This packet will include the following items:

  • Palms for Palm Sunday

  • Pre-Consecrated Communion for Maundy Thursday and Easter Sunday

  • Mini Stations of the Cross for Good Friday

  • Daily Devotional for each day of Holy Week

  • Kid's Packs with crafts and other supplies!

  • And more!

The packets will be available for pick up drive-thru style form the church parking lot from 11am to 2pm this Saturday. Every effort will be made to prepare and distribute these packets in a safe and sanitary way. If you are aware of someone who is unable to collect a packet, please reach out and ask if you can pick one up for them.

*Under Virginia's new stay-at-home restrictions issued by Gov. Northam on March 30, travel to and from a place of worship is permitted.
**Distribution of pre-consecrated communion in this way has been approved by Bishop Guernsey.

Holy Week Service Schedule

Just as on Sundays, you’ll be able to join our Holy week and Easter Services on YouTubeFacebook Live, and on the home page of our website.

Palm Sunday: April 5 at 10am

The beginning of Holy Week and the celebration of Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem and his passion.

Maundy Thursday: April 9 at 6pm

On this day we remember the institution of Holy Communion as Jesus shared the Passover meal with his disciples with a traditional prayer book service.

Good Friday: April 10 at 7pm

We'll use the prayer book liturgy to recall Christ's death on the cross and meditate on his finished work.

Easter Sunday: April 12 at 10am

We join in the glorious celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead and the new life we have in him!