pentecost 2019



In his letter to the Colossians, Paul, while prison in his later years, is writing from his own self-reflection which led to a deeper understanding of both the person of Jesus Christ, and the Body of Christ. We'll explore Paul's text that's come to be known as "The Christ Hymn" and how it reveals the person of Jesus and how it has impacted the spread of the Gospel in ways that Paul himself could never have imagined.

Colossians 1:11-20
Psalm 46
Luke 23:33-43

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Living Into The Upgrade


Isaiah 61 foretells the life and work not only of Jesus, but of His body, His Church, His people. The Spirit of the Lord is upon us! Humanity has been given the opportunity of an upgrade. Will we as the Body of Christ embrace that upgrade and live into all He has for us; the love, the joy, the peace, and yes, the challenges to be His Body on earth.

Isaiah 61
Psalm 98
John 17:10-26

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For All Saints


While we remember all Saints, that great cloud of witnesses for Christ, let us be mindful that each of us is part of that cloud, called to be the Body of Christ, to make salvation in Jesus known to the world.

As psalm 32:1 one tells us: "Blessed be the one whose unrighteousness is forgiven, and whose sin is covered”

Saints are those who humbly come before the cross, confess their sins to Jesus, and are forgiven and now live facing Him.

Revelation 7:9-17
Psalm 32
Luke 19:1-10

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