Easter 2018

A Friend in High Places


“Everyone who believes in Jesus has been born of God” - 1 John 5:1

This passage from John 5 helps us understand the relationship we are to have with Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and the relationships we are to cultivate with each other flowing from the Great Commandments. Love of course is at the center of all this, but what does love include from Christ’s point of view, ascended to the throne of grace where he now sits?

1 John 5:6-15
Psalm 47
Luke 24:44-53

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Heart to Heart on the Beach


A heart to heart with Jesus can give purpose and meaning to our lives beyond what we can imagine. Peter went fishing to go back to his roots, possibly because he was having trouble making sense out of the past three years. And then Jesus was with him, and it began to make sense, and a life and calling were laid out before him. What is not making sense to you? Do you know he is still available to you to give you meaning, purpose and life to the full?

1 John 4:11-21
Psalm 40:1-5
John 21:1-25

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Who Do You Really Follow?


No matter who we are or what station in life we have attained, we all follow.  Some follow ideals or principles, some wealth or power and others follow people or personalities we may admire, need or love. This Sunday’s message will discuss why it’s worth everything to follow Jesus, our Good Shepherd. We know from the Shepherd Psalm that our Lord provides two to guide us and keep us safely on His path.

1 John 3:1-10
Psalm 23
John 10:7-18

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