Destined for Joy Phase 3: Week 7

Phase 3 of Destined for Joy Capital Campaign

It has become clear that a new phase of our Destined For Joy Capital Campaign is a necessary step toward refinancing our building and construction loan with a new bank. Our goal is to raise $350,000 by the end of 2020. So far, we've raised over 145,000, or about 41% of that goal! 

Matching Gift Completed!
A generous donor offered to make a matching gift of $25,000 if we could raise $25,000 by Sunday, November 15. We managed to raise over $32,000 dollars since the match challenge began! We’d like to thank everyone who gave toward this match and of course our matching donor. Thanks to you, we’re nearing the half way mark toward our goal!

Please pray and ask the Lord what he is leading you to contribute toward this effort. To designate your giving, please select the "Destined for Joy" fund online, or write "Destined for Joy" in the memo line of your check. If you have any questions, please reach out to Thank you!
